Training of home care workers in Grimsby

Training of home care workers in Grimsby, Cleethorpes and Immingham is an essential part of managing Quality Home Care.

It is the policy of Quality Home Care that all employees are trained to carry out their job in a safe, secure, moral and legal way and to encourage the independence and quality of life of their customers. It is also the policy to encourage all members of the Quality Home Care team, at every level, to develop their skills, within their abilities, to the benefit of the company, customers and themselves.

Home care workers in Grimsby

Home care workers in Grimsby

Quality Home Care provides a structured induction programme for all staff, the completion of which is mandatory (meaning completion and attendance is compulsory). The requirements for induction vary according to staff roles and responsibilities. Please refer to our induction policy in this respect.

Both care managers and care workers must also complete other areas of mandatory training as well as regular updates and refresher courses. This is to ensure that all staff are fully competent and skilled to provide a safe and high quality service to customers, as well as ensuring the welfare of staff.

Staff Induction home care workers in Grimsby

The staff induction programme is comprehensive and covers a range of topics: please refer to the care worker Orientation and Induction programme and our Induction Policy for full details.

Some training courses are legal requirements, while for others the company also requires attendance as part of our commitment to ensuring the safety of our customers and staff, and in line with good practice and/or regulatory requirements as follows:

• Moving and Handling (annual update)

• Medication Management (annual update)

• Food Hygiene Safety (two yearly update)

• Health and Safety (two yearly update)

• Infection Control (two yearly update)

• Safeguarding (two yearly update)

Procedure of home care workers in Grimsby

• All care managers are required to complete a two day intensive office based training and induction course as well as other train the trainer courses in the areas of medication management and moving and handling.
• All care workers are required to undergo Induction Training before undertaking any work whatsoever.
• Care workers are also required to undertake (to the satisfaction of their trainer) a moving and handling course.
• When this process is complete, a new care worker will then ‘shadow’ an experienced colleague to put the theory learned in a classroom situation into practice.
• The manager will ascertain from the experienced colleague whether the performance of the new employee is of an acceptable standard before allowing the individual out alone. If this is not the case further training may be required.
• Care workers and others may be asked to undertake short written tests from time to time to establish their competence or understanding of their role.
• The company reserves the right to insist that anyone who does not appear to have achieved a satisfactory standard submit to re-training as appropriate to satisfy the standards expected by our customers.
• Ongoing and up to date training records must be kept for all employees as these will help to identify any training needs and also where refresher courses are due.

All of the above are requirements of Quality Home Care and no-one will be allowed to disregard (or to treat with disdain) these programmes.

In association with these programmes there is a rolling schedule of meetings on specific care- related topics. Attendance at these meetings is not mandatory but is encouraged.

If any customer has a specific need which requires additional training or information, this will be made available, from whatever source, by the company. This could be through a combination of in-house training, distance learning, attendance at external training courses and e-learning courses.

Other Qualifications and Training of home care workers in Grimsby

Both Quality Home Care, and the people within it, has a strong belief in the value of qualifications. It is principally by developing the skills and competencies of staff that the service will improve. In order to achieve this, the company will assist in every way practically possible to encourage individuals within the company to achieve qualifications relevant to their job or relevant to a job they may do within the company in the future.

This process will normally start with Appraisal where future plans will be discussed and it may be that at that point the way toward future qualifications will be discussed. At other times it may be a more ad hoc discussion. All members of staff have the right to discuss their personal development with the manager by appointment.

Providing that the qualification is relevant the company will do the following;

1. Assist with information about the availability of training courses and the various different qualifications available within a particular area.
2. Gather together as much information as possible on behalf of the member of staff.
3. Facilitate the gaining of new information by endeavouring to arrange shifts and rosters to allow time off to study and attend courses, seminars etc.
4. In certain cases financial assistance may be available.
5. Advise and support individuals during their study with information, help and understanding.

Michael Hughes

Michael Hughes

Managing Director at Quality Home Care
Michael is the founder of Quality Home Care. He has a BA (Hons) degree and a Training Certificate from the University of Manchester.Michael has many years in business and believes that customers are at the heart of everything we do. Before he started Quality Home Care, Michael took personal care of his mother who succumbed to a long battle with cancer and dementia. Michael's experience of looking after his mother, holding down a job and raising a teenage daughter made him realise that there is a large need to further assist people with any type of disability as well as the elderly and their families.
Michael Hughes

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