Home Care Services in Grimsby (N E Lincs)

If you are considering home care services in Grimsby (N E Lincs) then this list of questions compiled by Quality Home Care may help you in your decision making.

You will need to know that you or your loved one will have a regular carer.

Quality Home Care recognises that many customers see the number of care workers who visit them in a given period as a measure of quality. Supplying too many care workers is unacceptable. Whilst there may be times where another care worker may visit customers (during sickness or holidays for example), Quality Home Care keep this to a minimum. And we will always try to accommodate the customers wishes if they have a preferential care worker

Home Care Services in Grimsby (N E Lincs)

Home Care Services in Grimsby (N E Lincs)

What will happen if my relative’s regular carer is off sick?

Quality Home Care has a responsibility to our customers to provide reliable care and each Care Worker must inform his/her manager if he/she genuinely cannot get to a customer because of illness. If the Care Worker is absent from work for any reason, he/she must notify their manager of the reason for their absence as soon as possible but no later than 08.30 on the first day of absence or at least thirty minutes before the first scheduled visit if this should be earlier than 08.30. We will inform the customer by phone of the situation and that another care worker will be visiting.

What happens if a carer is unable to get to my relative because of adverse weather conditions or a traffic accident?

Reliability is vital and could literally be a matter of life and death.  As Quality Home Care only operates in Grimsby and the surrounding area all our care workers will be local men and women and very rarely is the weather that bad that a visit cant be made. However we will keep the customer informed by telephone at all times.

What sort of training do the carers receive? Do they have an induction period? How often is their training updated?

Quality Home Care not only makes sure that care workers are capable and trained to carry out their tasks but also makes sure this is done in a pleasant and professional manner. Care workers are instructed in how to deal with customers and a guide is supplied to reinforce this. When necessary, specific guidance with regard to cultural or religious beliefs is available. We ask at every opportunity if customers are satisfied with our services and an annual appraisal of customer satisfaction is also carried out. Training needs and areas for development are identified in this manner as well as by annual staff appraisals.

Will carers keep written records of the care that has been given, and accurate timesheets for my relative to sign? Can copies of the records be sent to me if I want them?

Accurate record keeping is vital in ensuring that the health, rights and best interests of Quality Home Care’s customers are upheld at all times and customers are safeguarded from harm. Good record keeping helps to protect the welfare of customers by promoting good standards of care and accurate delivery of care, continuity of care, better communication, and early identification of risks or problems.
Every customer has their own individualised care plan, written with their consent and which accurately describes the needs of the customer and the tasks to be undertaken to ensure good service delivery. The care worker refers to the care plan on each visit and records are maintained in the customer’s home and Quality Home  Care’s office. Legislation requires that these records be available to regulators for inspection purposes and customers are informed of this requirement. These records are also required for audit purposes and for monitoring quality assurance within Quality Home Care.

Summary: Home Care Services in Grimsby (N E Lincs)

The standards upon which Quality Home  Care operates are clearly defined in the UKHCA Code of Conduct and in the policies and procedures of Quality Home  Care. The provision of care is legally controlled and Quality Home Care and all employees must operate within the requirements of the national regulator. These are explained to each employee at Induction training but copies are available from the Quality Home Care at any reasonable time.

Quality Home Care Services include caring for the elderly and disabled in Grimsby, Cleethorpes, Immingham and surrounding villages in the N E Lincs area.

Michael Hughes

Michael Hughes

Managing Director at Quality Home Care
Michael is the founder of Quality Home Care. He has a BA (Hons) degree and a Training Certificate from the University of Manchester.Michael has many years in business and believes that customers are at the heart of everything we do. Before he started Quality Home Care, Michael took personal care of his mother who succumbed to a long battle with cancer and dementia. Michael's experience of looking after his mother, holding down a job and raising a teenage daughter made him realise that there is a large need to further assist people with any type of disability as well as the elderly and their families.
Michael Hughes

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